Chyrefal Castle

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Chyrefal Castle

Chyrefal Castle by N. Robin Crossby and Jonathan Davidson is a role playing game supplement published by Columbia Games Inc. The supplement is a largely generic one for the Hârn setting, although it is also intended to be used with HârnMaster.

The supplement is available as a 12-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $9.98 although it was purchased at a reduced price due to a special discount.

Chyrefal CastleThe first page has some history and background on the castle, which is run by a sheriff on behalf of the king in Cherahir. Sidebars give location details and taxes.

Next is a full-page labelled colour map of the castle and village. The various locations are then detailed; businesses give size, quality and prices and all the locations have the names and some details. This is followed by government, economics and religion.

Chyrefal Castle is described next, with maps accompanying it.

Next is an extract from the Melderyn Kingdom map, showing Chyrefal’s location, together with some details, a small map of Hârn and a list of related products. This is followed by a player-friendly map of the location.

The other major location in Chyrefal, Odivishe Chantry, is described in the same way as the castle, with accompanying maps.

Chyrefal Castle in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, although not essential, given its length, they would have been useful. Navigation is poor. The text follows a one or two column format, depending on whether there are any accompanying maps, and appeared to be almost free of errors. There is a colour image of the location on the first page, a black and white image of the sheriff and the maps. The castle could have done with maps all in one place as well as in pieces. Presentation is okay.

This is a well-described small village and, despite being linked to Hârn in the description, it should be reasonably easy to drop it into another setting. It is also essentially free of game stats, so using it with another system should not be too difficult either. Chyrefal Castle is a nicely detailed location but, at full price, more than most would be willing to pay for such and it can be found by clicking here.





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