50 Urban Horrors is a role playing game supplement published by Piecewise Games. This is a generic collection of what are described as adventure seeds.
This is a ten page PDF that is available from DriveThruRPG for $1 but was purchased at the reduced price of $0.67 during a sale. One page is the front cover.
The supplement itself is a list of descriptions of creepy to horrific encounters. These are suitable for a horror game, and a lot are most suited to a modern game due to various technological references.
Each encounter is a single paragraph. They range from subtly disturbing, such as an increased armed police presence and signs of overnight combat, to more openly so, such as organs slithering away from a car crash.
Some encounters happen effectively immediately, such as opening a door into an abyss, or in a short period of time. Others build up over a matter of days or more, such as a series of phone calls that build up over time to the climax.
50 Urban Horrors in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks and, given its nature and length, does not really need them. Navigation is okay. The text maintains a single column format and quite a few fairly minor errors were noticed. The only illustration is the front cover. Presentation is not brilliant.
The encounters are described as adventure seeds, but that is not always true. Some, especially those that build up over time, could be used as potential adventure hooks. Others, which happen and then finish, really are not. The latter are most suited to adding an element of creepiness to a game situation. Those suitable for hooks could be used the same way as well, or they could be fleshed out further. In some cases, where a character is made to change places with a piece of graffiti, there will need to be further development, otherwise the character has got a serious problem. The reason why the various events happen is not given; that is up to the GM to decide.
This is a nice collection of creepy encounters with some different uses. 50 Urban Horrors can be found by clicking here.
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